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Tactics to get immediate pain relief for endometriosis symptoms

Endometriosis is a chronic condition that affects millions of women worldwide, causing significant pain and discomfort.

If you’ve had endometriosis-related pelvic pain for a while, you may have already tried a lot of the conventional methods like medication and heating pads but sometimes that just isn’t enough.

And, sometimes you might want to try multiple methods at a time as sometimes they can work to support the pain

In this blog post, we will explore some unusual immediate pain relief options for people living with endometriosis.

Although these techniques may not work for everyone, they provide alternative avenues for individuals to manage their pain and find comfort in their daily lives.

In this blog post, we will cover:

  • Endometriosis pain explained

  • Meditation and mindfulness

  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

  • Music therapy

  • Breathing techniques

  • The use of four-letter words

  • Flip through photos

Endometriosis pain explained:

Pain stands as the primary concern for the majority of endometriosis patients, with a staggering 90% of them seeking medical help primarily due to this distressing symptom.

To comprehend the pathophysiology of chronic pain in endometriosis, we must first understand the nature of the condition itself.

Endometriosis occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus (endometrium) grows outside the uterus, typically in the pelvic region. This displaced tissue responds to hormonal changes, much like the endometrium within the uterus does during the menstrual cycle.

One of the key factors contributing to chronic pain in endometriosis is the presence of these endometrial-like implants outside the uterus. These implants can grow on various pelvic organs, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the lining of the pelvic cavity. As the menstrual cycle progresses, these implants also respond to hormonal signals, triggering a series of events that lead to pain.

One significant aspect is the inflammatory response. In response to hormonal fluctuations, the endometrial-like implants become activated, releasing chemical signals that promote inflammation in the surrounding tissues. Inflammation, in turn, triggers the activation of pain receptors, resulting in the experience of pain. This inflammatory environment can create a vicious cycle, perpetuating and amplifying the chronic pain experienced by individuals with endometriosis.

Furthermore, the presence of endometrial-like tissue in abnormal locations can lead to the formation of adhesions and scar tissue. These adhesions are fibrous bands that can develop between organs, causing them to stick together. As organs move and contract during the menstrual cycle, these adhesions can tug and pull on sensitive structures, intensifying the pain experienced by individuals with endometriosis.

Another contributing factor is the nerve involvement in endometriosis-related pain. The abnormal tissue growth and inflammatory response can irritate and sensitize the nerves in the pelvic region. This heightened nerve sensitivity can amplify pain signals, leading to increased pain perception even with minor stimuli. The nerves themselves can become chronically activated, contributing to persistent pain that extends beyond the menstrual cycle.

Additionally, hormonal imbalances can play a role in chronic pain. Hormones such as estrogen, which normally regulate the menstrual cycle and endometrial growth, may contribute to the development and progression of endometriosis. Elevated levels of estrogen can promote the growth of endometrial-like implants and exacerbate inflammation and pain.

Pain relief through multiple modalities

The reality is that we are a long way away from understanding how to effectively treat the range and complexity of endo symptoms. But, what we do know is that the pain you may be feeling could be derived from different aspects of the condition - whether that’s hormonal, physical, or even emotional.

So, the best thing we can do is try multiple avenues for pain management that could work independent from one another or work best in concert.

Meditation and mindfulness:

While it may seem unrelated to immediate pain relief, meditation and mindfulness techniques can help individuals manage their endometriosis symptoms more effectively.

Engaging in mindful practices can promote relaxation, reduce stress levels, and improve overall well-being.

Research shows that meditation uses neural pathways that make the brain less sensitive to pain and increases use of the brain’s own pain-reducing opioids.

By incorporating meditation into their daily routine, women with endometriosis may experience a decrease in pain intensity and an improved ability to cope with discomfort.

Music therapy

Studies have shown that music can help relieve pain during and after surgery and childbirth. Classical music has proven to work especially well, but there's no harm in trying your favorite genre — listening to any kind of music can distract you from pain or discomfort.

As far back as the 1960s, music and other types of soothing sound have been used to help relieve both acute and chronic pain

Breathing techniques

Breathing exercises can be a great way to ease feelings of stress and anxiety – but did you know they can also help with pain?

When you’re having an intense pain flare-up, your body may respond with short, rapid breathing – this can make you feel more panicked and anxious, and cause feelings of dizziness, which can heighten your discomfort.

Instead, focus on your breath by taking slow, deep breaths to calm both your body and mind. You can find some useful tips about controlled breathing at the NHS website.

Shout a four-letter word

Next time you're in pain, don’t hold your tongue. Swearing can increase your tolerance for discomfort, found British researchers.

People could keep their hands submerged 35% longer in a tub of ice-cold water when they repeated an epithet in lieu of a more acceptable word.

Swearing may trigger a series of physical and hormonal reactions that ease the pain.

Flip through photos

Scanning your phone for loving faces before an uncomfortable test like a mammogram may make it more bearable.

Women who viewed pictures of their partners during a lab test reported less pain than those who looked at inanimate objects or strangers.

A loving face may spur the release of chemicals that shut down pain-processing areas of the brain.

The takeaway

Living with endometriosis can be challenging, but exploring alternative pain relief options can provide hope and relief for those affected.

While these unusual immediate pain relief options may not work for everyone, they offer alternative avenues for individuals to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

It is important to remember that what works for one person may not work for another, so it's crucial to listen to your body. An ELANZA Care Navigator can help you with an endometriosis treatment plan that works for you.


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